🪝Event Webhooks

Utilize webhooks to receive real-time event notifications to a third-party integration

New form submission Triggers when a contact subscribes through a popup, slideout, hellobar, embedded, or 3rd party connected form.

Contact has been added to a list Triggers when a contact is added to a list.

Contact has been tagged Triggers when a tag is added to a contact.

Contact has been untagged Triggers when a tag is removed from a contact.

Contact was sent a message Triggers when a contact is sent a broadcast, funnel, or transactional message.

Contact opened a message Triggers when a contact opens a message.

Contact clicked a link in a message Triggers when a contact clicks a link in a message.

Contact unsubscribed Triggers when contact has been unsubscribed.

Contact complained Triggers when contact uses the "spam button" or "junk button" to signal they've received unwanted mail.

Contact soft-bounced Triggers when contact bounces for temporary reasons such as exceeding their mailbox quota.

Contact hard-bounce Triggers when retrying delivery to contact in the future will not succeed, usually because the email address doesn't exist.

Contact opened or clicked Triggered by contact opening a message or clicking a link in a message - two triggers in one event.

Contact soft-bounced or hard-bounced Triggered when contact is undeliverable for any reason - two triggers in one event.

Contact unsubscribed or complained Triggered when contact has been unsubscribed or uses the "spam button" or "junk button" - two triggers in one event.

Last updated