🆔Configure DKIM

Don't skip this step! It's not uncommon for mailbox providers to block or spam folder unauthenticated mail.

Before you send your first email, you need to add DKIM authentication to your DNS records

Go to MTA -> Velocity MTA Servers -> DKIM tab in the backend site navigation

Click configure domains

Add domains or subdomains and a DKIM selector

You'll need to copy and paste the newly created TXT record entries into your DNS hosting provider

In our example, we'll use Cloudflare as our DNS manager, which we strongly recommend.

Cloudflare rocks

Cloudflare acts as your DNS nameserver, reverse web proxy, web application firewall, SSL provider, incoming MX record mail processor, and much more

Create a new TXT record for your domain or subdomain

Paste your selector and public key from the Velocity MTA DKIM page

You're done

Trust but verify

When you send yourself a test message to Gmail, you can verify DKIM is working by clicking the three dots then show original

Last updated