🚧Troubleshooting common SSL issues

If you've successfully completed the instructions but trying to access your platform with https:// just isn't connecting without any kind of obvious failure message, it's usually a simple browser caching issue.

Try the following:

  • Incognito mode

  • A different web browser that's never accessed your platform before, ie if you were using http:// in chrome before you enabled SSL, try the new https:// site in Firefox or Safari

  • Use "is it up?" sites like this one: https://isitup.org/

Cloudflare SSL problems are almost always that "Flexible Mode" isn't enabled:

"Too many redirects" error on Chrome

This usually means your registrar is interfering with your SSL configuration by having already enabled their own Let's Encrypt implementation on your domain using a wildcard certificate.

See our Hostinger warning page for an example of this in action:

😑Hostinger is your registrar

Last updated